Wednesday, 8 May 2013

How to Prepare for a Divorce for Women

As a woman who has just gone through a divorce there were some things I wish I had done differently in my preparation. For one, I wish I had been more thorough and detail oriented. I wish I hadn’t allowed my emotions to take control at certain points when discretion would have been advisable. In hindsight I learned many valuable lessons, some of which I can offer as divorce advice for women right now.
  • Put some money aside in savings specifically for the divorce. This is especially true if you are dependent on your spouse and they decide to cut off support. If you borrow money from a relative or friend to help pay for a lawyer make sure you sign a promissory note so the court looks at it like a loan you have to repay, and not a gift.
  • Cut down on your expenses. If you have debt like credit cards or student loans you will want to pay those down as much as possible before a divorce. If your spouse does not voluntarily support you and the children you can ask the court to order support however you won’t know how to predict the outcome of this. The point is to have some foresight and identify solutions to potential problems.
  • Gather your financial information in great detail. The more you can organize your own financial documents the more you will inevitable lower your attorney fees. A good way to do this is to find financial statements which can be used as your personal checklist.
  • Do some research on your own. Learn as much as you can about how a divorce works. The unknown is scary, but if you know what to expect you will feel far more confident with your decisions going forward. Although every divorce is different in each state, there are great resources available online and at your local library or bookstore.

Get organized

Before you do anything get your finances in order. This means taking out pay stubs, and debt statements and figuring out your personal debt to income ratio. Attorney fees can be very expensive. If you unable to afford an attorney you can still find adequate help for free or those working under a payment plan. However any extra money you can put aside for the divorce will help.

Focus on getting through the divorce in a timely manner by learning everything you can about what to expect once the trial gets underway. If there are things you and your spouse can settle outside of court you might consider doing this to save on court costs. You will also feel much more comfortable knowing how to pursue what you want in a court of law.

Your children will come first

If there are children involved they will be the most important aspects of your divorce. Work directly with some attorneys for child support. Get to know divorce rights for men when it comes to children as men and women are historically viewed differently in a court of law. Though children are often cause the most heated squabbles in a divorce, do not let your emotions get the better of you. A judge will not look kindly on parents who do not have their children’s best interests in mind.

Visit to find out more about women’s divorce rights and how best to prepare for the potential hurdles you have to face. To speak with a representative directly call 1-800-397-1397 for a free consultation and a chance to set up a meeting with a local attorney in your part of the country.

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